Alteration in Skills Shortage List!

A fresh set of jobs have been included to the catalog of skill shortages in New Zealand. So now, it would be easier for forest scientists, automotive technicians, ship’s officers, scaffolders and ship’s masters to get a work permit to look for job in the NZ. These amends were proclaimed freshly and will be implemented on 8th September, 2010. The changes have been result in in the LTSSL or the Long Term Skill Shortage List and the Immediate Skill Shortage List.

The ISSL provide to all those occupations which are in demand of skilled workers in the work market of New Zealand where as LTSSL aids to the lasting in addition to the shortages catering to internationally. The Department of Labor evaluates these lists twice in a year.

The profession of automotive technicians and scaffolders would be under the ISSL where as Ship’s masters and ship’s officers together with forest scientists would be incorporated in the LTSSL.

All at once, the LTSSL would not comprise the profession of architects. In addition, another thirteen jobs would be lost which mostly are in the category of building, design in addition to racing industries. These occupations would be erased from the ISSL.

In keeping with Nigel Bickle, Head, Immigration New Zealand, there are scarcity of skills in certain niche areas. So, the alteration would furnish to the needs of the local people who would not lose out while looking for job opportunities.

The amends were cause after broad discussion. On the other hand, candidates are still permitted to submit an application despite their occupation not being mentioned in the list. Even though, the employer or the organization employ the migrants has to prove that he has made all the attempts to hire neighboring people for the same.
