Issuance of fast Visas in NZ

The Skills-Shortage lists are being evaluated by Immigration New Zealand to see whether or not a relaxation could be measured so as to permit more construction workers from overseas to supply to the revival and help in rebuilding post the Canterbury earthquake.

New Zealand visas for three months have been accepted by the Labor Minister Kate Wilkinson. These visas would provide to fourteen building evaluator from Canada and South Africa so as to help in the revival after the earthquake. As said by Ms. Wilkinson, these fast-track visas would continue to be issued. With this, there is also a option for some workers to be issued a New Zealand visa which would permit them to live in the state for about 2 years.

Though, the authorities have assured that despite calming the rules for immigration to New Zealand, the local New Zealand workers would be the first choice. It has been found out that there is a lack of trade’s people which is vital for the financial recovery of the city. This is on the word of Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker.

As per Mr. Parker, the first alternative should always be service for the locals in Canterbury and New Zealand. Though, the nation be supposed to also be prepared to bring in foreign workers in case the need arises.

in the middle of the immediate skills-shortage list, there are building jobs such as construction foreman, building surveyors along with 6 other occupations in this group which are also included in the long term skills shortage list. Most of these positions are in the review and management roles.

1 comment:

  1. Immigration New Zealand has resumed processing of Permanent Resident Visa. This is very welcome news for many resident visa holders who were eligible for their PRV but were caught offshore and were previously unable to have their PRV processed. Woodbridge Overseas one of the best New Zealand Immigration Consultants in Chandigarh is here to help you with all your doubts related Immigration, travel & studying in New Zealand. Hearing stories from other migrants will help you to make sense of your experiences, and as you get more involved in New Zealand life and the community, you will be able to tell your own stories.

